We're the online generation. We live in a connected society. Information is not deemed as a luxury for the reach but accessible to all.
This has made an impact on the church. A hundred years ago, the only church that we would belong to would be the one up the road. The only sermons that we would hear from, would be from the pastor of your local church. With the rise of the internet, we can listen to any preacher we like on any subject we'd want to hear. I've recently even stumbled across news that a church is being launched solely on the internet! It can be an amazing resource!
I've benefited a lot from this over the years so I'd thought I'd identify the 5 pastors and preachers who have shaped and influenced my own spiritual growth over the years.
Before I start let me give some honorary mentions;
Honorary mentions
Mark Driscoll
Mark Driscoll. In many ways the marmite of preachers. You can either love or hate his sometimes brash approach. At times,this can represent how he preaches.
However for me, prior to his departure at Mars Hill, he had been influential in my spiritual growth. There was a point where I'd use to watch a sermon of his a day! What I appreciated about Driscoll was that he had a gift of understanding doctrine and the bible and being able to communicate it effectively into modern society. His Doctrine series is a great example of this. For me, Driscoll opened my eyes and developed a deeper understanding of doctrine which helped to shape my reformed understanding of the bible.
Matt Chandler
"JESUS WANTS THE ROSE". That was the first video that I watched from Matt Chandler, and it was his clear passion for the Gospel and love for Jesus that kept me listening.
Pastor of a multi-campus church in Dallas, Texas and president of Acts 29, Chandler has a clear passion for the expanse of the Gospel. He is one of the only mega church pastors that I've come across that has actually strategically shrunk, when instead of looking for new venues for one of its campus, the village church actually spun out it's campus to be a separate church.
For me, it's Matt's clear love for Jesus and his pastors heart for both Non-Christians and Christians to discover the gospel, that has really struck a cord with me and shaped my thinking.
Mike Reeves
Whilst I was at University, I was heavily involved in the Christian Union. One of my personal highlights was the annual trip to Forum, UCCFs kick off for CU's across the country.
We had some great preaches from people rallying us up for mission. My personal favourite was Mike Reeves, at the time UCCF's Theologian at large, now the President of Union School of Theology. Mike's style is refreshing. What impacted me most about his preaching was how he links the whole bible together, Luke 24:27, on the road to Emmeaus, Jesus teaches the two disciple about how the whole of scripture points to him, and when Mike preaches he does the same.
His preaching isn't dry, but full of life. I'd highly recommend Mike's books, "The Good God", "Christ our Life" and his little book on prayer "Enjoy your prayer life" just to get a taste on his approach. It sound like heavy stuff but he doesn't target our heads, but he targets the heart. To help place our gaze on to Christ.
My Top 5!
But my top 5 Christian influencer's are the 5 elders who have lead the church I've been attending for the past 8 years.
Surprised? Where you expecting a list of high hitting pastors leading large churches, written hundreds of books and are well known on the Christian blogosphere?
We live with easy access to many Christian thinkers, both dead and old, we can not put them on a higher pedestal than the leaders at our local church. Driscoll, Chandler, and Reeves, have been given great gifts of communication, but God has placed us under the care of the local church and has appointed Elders to lead us. Out of the 5, 2 of them have stepped down from leadership, due to changes in life. Nonetheless they have all been everyday living examples of what it means to live the christian life.
If you look at it with 1 Timothy 3:1-7 in mind, then they are the living example of what it means to be
hospitable, faithful to his wife etc. We don't get that from the internet. If we let it, the internet can lead
to sharpen our discernment but not on how we live our lives.
The point is this. Don't forget the local church and replace it with your favourite Pastor. God has placed them in your life for a reason.