Friday, 15 January 2016

Hot Links 15.01.2016

Every Friday, I'll be posting a list of some of the best stuff that I find on the web. Hopefully (depending on what I find that week) it should be a mix of interesting and funny stuff. Well that's if you get my sense of humour! :-)

The FAQs: Anglican Communion ‘Suspends’ Episcopal Church
For those not really sure what happened last night at the Anglican Primates, which lets be honest is a lot of us, The Gospel Coalition have written a really helpful FAQ about what was announced last night.

Why 734 Pastors Quit (and How Their Churches Could Have Kept Them)
Some really interesting stats from Lifeway Research about why hundreds of evangelical pastors leave the ministry. The big takeaway question, How are we loving our pastors? 

Leader, You Are First A Child of God
Pastoring, project managing, even mothering and being a spouse are only and ultimately roles we play that should flow from a deeper reality. Believe it or not, these functions are not essentially who we are and if we define ourselves in such ways we are not doing so based upon God's Word.

Streetlights Bible - 1 & 2 Peter
If you've not heard of them. Streetlights Bible aims to make the bible relevant for the urban community via recording whole books of the bible over a beat. They have just released 1 & 2 Peter! Check them out and the whole archive as well!

This Tortoise Could Save a Life - Ft. Alan Rickman
After yesterdays shocking news about the death of Alan Rickman, I stumbled upon this great video! Post and Share!

Robot Wars… reactivate! It’s the perfect time for a new series
I am dead excited about this!!!

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